UW-Madison Innovation Disclosure

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At least one innovator must be affiliated with UW-Madison or the Morgridge Institute for Research

Please list all innovators who made substantive contributions to the innovation while noting that the final list of innovators may change based on intellectual property laws.

If no UW affiliation, please list current Institution, Company or Organization.

Innovation Details 

Briefly describe the innovation and/or attach a description. Additional information such as key features and new developments you made are helpful to include. This information will be used by the University and may be provided confidentially to funding entities per contractual obligations.

Please describe the advantages of your innovation when compared to existing solutions. Such information could include addressing limitations of current products, providing a potential cost savings, or improving outcomes.

Please provide exemplary uses of your innovation, including commercial products and services as well as non-commercial uses (e.g., academic research). Your comments will be useful in identifying potential fields of use, markets, and licensing partners.
Presentations and Publications 
Dates and brief descriptions of any non-confidential presentations, publications or Internet postings.

When and to whom?

When and to whom?
Contracts and Funding Support 

Type “None” if no contracts apply

Type “None” if no contracts apply

Type “None” if no contracts apply

Please enter the email address that should receive the confirmation email of this form submission. WARF recommends that the recipient of the confirmation email forward the email to each innovator listed above for their records.
Once complete, click "Submit" below.
Once submitted, the disclosure cannot be edited.
For further editing, click "Save my progress and resume later."